Saturday, May 26, 2012

The 500 Parade

My dad gave us 4 tickets to the 500 Parade.  He gave them to us because The Quilter's family is to big, but he got in trouble with my Mom, because she said she's always wanted to go.  She wouldn't take the tickets from me, though, so maybe next year.  Last year we went, but didn't have seats; it was much better being able to sit down and watch.  We also had good seats, right at the beginning of the parade.

As usual, the Purdue Marching Band started the Parade.  Bry-D played the Tuba, or Sousaphone, so I made sure I got a picture of them from every band that went by.  Don't worry, I'm not going to show them all to you, it's more for him.
 Yeah, not only does Governor Mitch Daniels get good stuff done, he also rides a Harley.  Not everyone can say one or both of those things about their Governor.  And yes, I'm insinuating that my Governor is better than yours.
 The Grand Marshal of the parade was Oliva Newton John.  Win!  She is still so very beautiful.  I've had the song "Magic" stuck in my head all day.  Not such a bad thing.  I remember when her outfit from Xanadu was all I ever wanted.  Maybe a bad thing.
 The Dragon float was amazing.  It was so big I couldn't get it all in one picture!
 Right after it passed us, it almost fell over!  I never found out if it made it through the entire parade, but I hope it did.  It was the first year for it in the parade, and it was really cool.
 A Briefcase Drill Team.  Now that's different.
 The princesses!  The people behind us were waiting and waiting for this - they were the family of one of the princesses.  As soon as this went by, they left. 
 Miss Piggy!  We just watched The Muppets this week, so both kids knew who she was without being told.  I was so proud!
 This was The Wells Fargo Stagecoach.  I didn't get a picture of some if the shenanigans they were doing taking off and stopping.  Also didn't get a picture of the people from the float that came after it trying to walk around the horse poo without losing the float.
 Oh yes, Gladys Knight!  I think they said she was the Legendary Honoree.  For sure, she was one of the people that got a standing O.  Of course. 
My personal favorite song is "If I Were Your Woman". Wanna know a secret? My favorite music ever is Soul and Neo-Soul. Whenever I entertain the idea of singing for people, I'm always singing Soul.  Chicago and Delta Blues are my second favorite.  I listen to Christian music almost exclusively. There aren't alot of Christian Soul artists to choose from, and they don't get much playtime on Christian radio.  Although Adele may help that some.  As she becomes more popular, Christian Soul artists will too.  I have high hopes, at least.

Anyways, that's when my camera died, immediately after taking Gladys Knight's picture.  So I didn't get pictures of Eliz standing and watching all the soldiers and veterans go by, or the human flag.  Nor did I get a picture of Ben Davis, Bry-D Alma Mater.  We didn't leave until the end of the parade, though Lex had to get up and walk around midway through.  We grabbed some of the big streamers that exploded on everyone at the end of the parade, and I spent $12 to get the kids an inflatable toy for each of them.  It's something I always wished for, and even if I only get to do it this once, at least I did get to.

We came home, fed the kiddos, and put them to bed.  In fact, everyone took a nap this afternoon, we were all worn out.  But it was a great time, one that I'd like to make a tradition, whether we get seats or not.  Happy Memorial Weekend, everyone!

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